
5th International Conference - Prevention of young children abuse

On 11th of May the 5th International Conference „ Prevention of young children abuse" took place in Warsaw Medical University. It was organized by Nobody's Children Foundation within „Childhood without abuse -towards a better child protection system in Eastern Europe" project financed by Oak Foundation and "Smack free home for every child" project financed by European Commission Daphne III.

Words hurt for life- first raising awareness campaign against verbal child abuse in Poland

Nobody's Children Foundation has just launched the social campaign against verbal child abuse "Words hurt for life" that will be carried out in April and May 2012 by the organizations affiliated to the National Partnership for Protection of Children from Violence. It is an attempt to increase parents' awareness on what is verbal violence, on its forms and possible consequences for a child

International supervision in Poland

Ingrid Lenth, Associate Professor from Department of Psychology from the University of Copenhagen  hold an international supervision for 26 professionals working directly with children on “Cognitive therapy- anxiety disorders among children” on 3rd December 2011.

Local training in Poland

The local training for interdisciplinary teams of judges, prosecutors and psychologists (altogether 15 participants) took place 12-13 December 2011. The aim of the training was to enhance participants knowledge regarding child victims of crime and methods of interviewing minor witnesses, assisting child and the family in the course of intervention, as well as establishing a connection with a child who suffered from traumatic experience. The training has been evaluated as very useful.