Child Trafficking

Publication on child abuse prevention in Poland

A new volume of the NCF quarterly "Abused Child. Theory, Research and Practice" devoted to the topic "Prevention of child abuse" has been published in the end of May. The volume contains articles on preventive programmes about child trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and cyberbullying.

Report on Vulnerability to Exploitation and Trafficking of Bulgarian Children and Adolescents in Greece

The immediate objective of this research is to give an indicative as well as detailed picture of the extent and specific dimensions of the phenomenon of child begging in Greece, particularly of children and families from Bulgaria. This group has increased rapidly in recent years, particularly in Northern Greece, with Thessaloniki - where the research was mostly carried out - as a main destination. The data gathering exercise lasted a month and through social work on the street and interviews with relevant services, providing thereby relevant information.

Campaign against child trafficking in Romania

The National Agency against Human Trafficking (ANITP) launched a campaign for the prevention of human trafficking, targeting mainly unemployed people, youth who are looking for jobs and people with disabilities. The campaign, called I’m looking for a job… on the Internet” is aimed at warning target groups about the risk of criminal groups operating in virtual space. The campaign will be conducted until December 31 in Bucharest, the main message of the campaign is “A click in the virtual world can make you a victim a human trafficking in the real world“.

The report on issue of child trafficking in Poland- views and experiences of professionals

The study was carried out by Nobody’s Children Foundation in 2009 in the framework of Mario project. Present report is a summary of views and experiences described by representatives of various occupations who – in their professional capacity – are likely to encounter children – victims of trafficking or children from groups at risk (e.g. separated minors).