Campaign against corporal punishement in Ukraine

In the period of October - November 2009 Child Well-Being Fund Ukraine conducted the informational campaign "The pain from strapping has passed. But it remains between us" in Kiev city. This campaign was directed to parents who use physical punishments as a method of child upbringing. According to the results of the research made by Child Well-Being Fund in July 2009 near one third of respondents in Ukraine believe that physical punishment of children is not only acceptably but necessary. The idea of the campaign is to inform parents that physical punishment is a physical abuse. It is almost always accompanied with verbal offence and mental trauma and it makes huge harm to physical and mental health of a child.

The materials of the campaign "The pain from strapping has passed" ranked third in the nomination "Social Printed Advertising" at the IV National Festival of Social Advertising.
According to data of the partner organization "La Strada - Ukraine", the number of calls at the child abuse prevention and protection of the children's rights hotline has trebled in the period of conducting the campaign.
The poster of the campaign was based on the materials of "Centrs Dardedze" (Latvia) and DDB Latvia.

Below you can download the poster.

put down your belt Ukraine.jpg201.04 KB

Submitted by admin on Wed, 2010-05-26 14:11.